I can see when you stay low nothing happens. Does it feel right? Late at night, things I thought I put behind me haunt my mind. I just know there's no escape now once it sets its eyes on you, but I won't run; have to stare it in the eye.
Stand my ground, I won't give in. No more denying; I got to face it. Won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside. If I don't make it, someone else will stand my ground


Friday, December 23, 2005

r e f e r e n c e s


This post is merely a spot for any and all terms used in Stand My Ground that are in the original Japanese. I have certain phrases I use that aren't directly translatable, or just sound odd when translated. Also, if something is said in a language other than Japanese, it'll appear here with its translation as well.

mou hitori no - the other. I mainly use this whenever Katsuya is referring to Bakura as "the other Bakura." I think that phrasing looks odd, so I continue to use mou hitori no.

yadonushi - this is one with several different translations, only one of which being "landlord." I think yadonushi flows better.

yami - dark. Ryou uses it as a pet name for Bakura here and in Jillian, which is written by Eternal SailorM (whom I call yamimine).

shi no duel - the duel between Jyonouchi and Yuugi during Battle City... or rather Malik-through-Jyonouchi and Yuugi. Any other time I'd be citing this duel as my basis for thinking that Takahashi-sama is a closet yaoi-fanboy, but I digress. This duel and a few others will be mentioned, but I thought I'd make a note of it here.

bonkotsu - mediocre. Kaiba uses this term a lot when talking to and about Jyonouchi. It's also translated as 'loser' occasionally, but mediocre is the more correct translation.

netjret - Egyptian for goddess. This will come up, trust me.

khenmes and khenemset - Egyptian for friend (masc. and fem. forms respectively).

hemet - Egyptian for woman, although the way Malik uses it in chapter eight means 'female slave.'

As more terms appear, this post will be updated and modified.

Updated 4:49 PM



Stand My Ground is a story set in Eternal SailorM's Jillian universe; for better clarity it's advised to read both works in conjunction. Yuugiou and all characters appearing herein are © Takahashi Kazuki.


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