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![]() Stand my ground, I won't give in. No more denying; I got to face it. Won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside. If I don't make it, someone else will stand my ground Chapters Friday, December 02, 2005s i x There were times when being the president and CEO of his own corporation came in handy. The moment he looked up to see the new student walk in the room, Seto knew that he'd have to take advantage of his unique situation at some point in the day. That became especially clear when he heard Katsuya damn near hyperventilate in the seat across from his; if Ryou hadn't almost immediately called the girl's 'illness' to the teacher's attention, Seto himself would have noted that she didn't look too good and suggest she go see the nurse. His concern hadn't faded any, and Ryou's continued absence from the classroom made it increase tenfold. Bakura Ryou was one of the most responsible people Seto had ever met, and if he wasn't here that probably meant that Katsuya was no longer in the building. If there was more than five minutes between classes he'd be tempted to call his office and send Isono over to the Jyonouchis to check up on her; then again, Ryou may well have taken the blonde to his apartment. He shot another glare at the clock before turning the look to the cause of today's drama. Damn you, Ishtar, he growled mentally. Why did you have to come back to Domino? "...and that's when I decided to get Jyonouchi-kun out of there," Ryou concluded, shooting a glance to where the blonde had curled up on one sofa cushion. She'd been unnaturally silent the entire trip to the apartment, and hadn't even spared a 'hello' to Bakura before settling into her current position. "It... it scared me a little, yami. The last time Jyonouchi-kun acted even remotely like this was when we were in Egypt." Bakura had been frowning slightly and nodding her head as her other half spoke, but on the last part she tore her gaze from the silent girl and turned it to Ryou. "She was like that in Egypt?" she demanded. Ryou nodded, expression still one of heavy concern. "Yeah," he confirmed. "It was pretty strange. When I woke up after Atem-san defeated Zork, she acted like she usually does. Even on the trip out of the desert she seemed okay, but after we boarded the ship to get to the temple she started acting like... well...." He trailed off as he nodded his head towards Katsuya. "Yadonushi-dear," the woman said smoothly after a moment, "who was there when you woke up?" "Well, Atem-san was there in Yuugi-kun, and there was Honda-kun, Kaiba-kun, Jyonouchi-kun and Anzu-chan in the tomb." "And on the ship?" Ryou frowned for a moment. "When we first got there we saw Yuugi-kun's grandfather, Mokuba-kun and Otogi-kun," he said, "but she was still okay. Hell, she's the first person who talked to Otogi-kun when we got there." "Who else?" Bakura was getting a sinking feeling in her stomach, and she didn't like where her thoughts were going. "Isis-san, Rishid-san and Malik-kun." Ryou's eyes widening slightly. "Yami-mine, you don't think...?" he asked, trailing off without really asking the question on his mind: how much of Battle City is still haunting Jyonouchi-kun? "Yuki-san?" The Bakuras both turned at the voice to find that while they'd been trying to puzzle out her odd behaviour, Katsuya had picked up the phone and dialed her psychiatrist. She was half-turned away from them, so they couldn't see her face while she spoke: "I'm... I need a favour, Yuki-san. Ca-can you call Kaiba's phone and tell him I need him?" She paused for a moment, and Ryou could just make out the motion of her twirling the phone cord nervously around her index finger. "Yeah, Bakura's place. You can? Thank you. Hm? Yes, I'll be there on time tomorrow. Bye." "Blondie?" Bakura asked after the girl replaced the phone in the cradle. "You okay?" Katsuya curled up into herself again, shaking her head slightly. "Ask Kaiba," she murmured quietly. "Thank whomever the hell is listening today," Bakura said as she opened the door. "If you hadn't gotten here in another ten minutes, I was coming over to drag your scrawny ass out of that school." "I got away as soon as I could," Seto countered, not bothering to take off his coat as he stalked past the woman. "I have a work dispensation but the principal still gives me grief when I leave school early for emergencies." "Well, tell him to kiss your ass," Bakura retorted. "You can buy and sell him a few hundred times over, right?" She frowned slightly as Seto ignored her, but she had a feeling his mind was elsewhere and didn't take it too personally. The tall brunet stalked through the small foyer area and into the Bakuras' living room, eyes sweeping around until they fell on the blonde girl still curled up on the sofa. He didn't say anything at first, merely nodding to Ryou as he stepped past the shorter boy to sit down next to Katsuya. It took her nearly a full minute to realize he was there; when she did, she whimpered quietly in the back of her throat and shifted to lean her full weight against him. "Are you okay, bonkotsu?" Seto asked in a tone that until now the Bakuras had only ever heard him use with Mokuba; the usual insult almost sounded like an endearment. At the tired nod he received, the teenager sighed and wrapped his arms around the girl. "I'll call your father this afternoon and tell him you're babysitting Mokuba this evening. You can stay as long as you want." "Kaiba-kun," Ryou asked softly after his friend had fallen silent, "do you know what's going on? I mean, you know why Jyonouchi-kun--" "Yes." The reply was snapped in a tone colder than any he'd ever used towards Atem in the past. "And it isn't anyone's business but ours." "Kaiba," Katsuya said softly, resting her hand on his arm, "I told them to ask you. I... I can't talk about it yet." Seto looked a little surprised and very concerned. "Are you sure?" he asked. Katsuya nodded her head and closed her eyes, letting her head drop against the younger boy's shoulder. "So, what gives?" Bakura demanded, arms crossed over her chest and eyes burning into the CEO. "Why did Blondie flip out in the classroom this morning after the Desert Rat showed up again?" If looks could kill then the glare he turned towards her would have felled her on the spot, but it was his words that left her feeling frozen: "Because he tried to rape her at Battle City." Updated 6:18 PM |
Info Stand My Ground is a story set in Eternal SailorM's Jillian universe; for better clarity it's advised to read both works in conjunction. Yuugiou and all characters appearing herein are © Takahashi Kazuki.Affiliates § Angelic Destructions§ DarkMagick.net § Pixiesticks.org Personal § The Asylum§ Katsuko's Obsession § Draconic Wishes § KatsukoFic § Envy x Edo § Feminine Wishes Previous § f i v e§ f o u r § t h r e e § t w o § o n e Archive § October 2005§ November 2005 § December 2005 § February 2006 § May 2010 Additional Layout © KatsukoArtwork © Karen Asakura for Teikokudo Powered by Blogger
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